Matthew rubbed his sleepy brown eyes as he peeked around the corner. The adults sat, cameras ready, waiting for my three-year-old son to see the spread that Santa had delivered. There was the toy kitchen he had asked for since July, a big yellow truck, an overflowing stocking, and a stack of brightly wrapped presents. We wondered which treasure would capture his attention first. He shuffled hesitantly into the living room in his footed pajamas. “Who came to see you?” I asked.

His eyes grew big, not at the sight of toys and gifts, but at the sight of my brother. “Uncle Craig!” An ear-to-ear grin spread across his face as he bolted across the living room. He jumped into Craig’s lap and threw his arms around his neck. Matthew had anticipated my brother’s coming for Christmas. He had asked again and again, “Is Craig coming?”

Our family has laughed about this story for years. We expected Matthew’s focus to be on his presents. Instead, the thing that excited him most was the presence of his uncle. It was an unexpected lesson from the heart of a child.

When Jesus was born, a promise was fulfilled. The shepherds hurried to see the child after hearing from the angels. They spread the word that the long-awaited Messiah had come. They rejoiced in the presence of the Savior.

As Christmas approaches, may we celebrate the presence of Jesus. May we grin from ear-to-ear at the realization that he is here. May we experience the child-like faith that causes us to jump into his lap and throw our arms around his neck.

“Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David” (Luke 2:11 HCSB)